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International Conference on Computer Vision, Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2025)

Editing Scene Illumination and Material Appearance of Light-Field Images
  Jaemin Cho Dongyoung Choi Dahyun Kang Gun Bang Min H. Kim  
    KAIST   ETRI    
  We present a method to decompose light-field images into illumination and intrinsic appearance parameters, enabling realistic relighting and material editing. Refer to our supplemental video for additional results.  
  Supplemental video results  
  In this paper, we propose a method for editing the scene appearance of light-field images. Our method enables users to manipulate the illumination and material properties of scenes captured in light-field format, offering various control over image appearance, including dynamic relighting and material appearance modification, which leverages our specially designed inverse rendering framework for light-field images. By effectively separating light fields into appearance parameters—such as diffuse albedo, normal, specular intensity, and roughness within a multi-plane image domain, we overcome the traditional challenges of light-field imaging decomposition. These challenges include handling front-parallel views and a limited image count, which have previously hindered neural inverse rendering networks when applying them to light-field image data. Our method also approximates environmental illumination using spherical Gaussians, significantly enhancing the realism of scene reflectance. Furthermore, by differentiating scene illumination into far-bound and nearbound light environments, our method enables highly realistic editing of scene appearance and illumination, especially for local illumination effects. This differentiation allows for efficient, real-time relighting rendering and integrates seamlessly with existing layered light-field rendering frameworks. Our method demonstrates rendering capabilities from casually captured light-field images.
  author  = {Jaemin Cho and Dongyoung Choi and Dahyun Kang and 
             Gun Bang and Min H. Kim},
  title   = {Editing Scene Illumination and Material Appearance 
             of Light-Field Images},
  booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Vision, 
            Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2025)},
  address = {Porto, Portugal},
  year = {2025},
  pages = {},

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Hosted by Visual Computing Laboratory, School of Computing, KAIST.